Doug (Lankenau) returns home to Portland, Oregon after dropping out of college in Chicago. When his ex-girlfriend, Rachel (Rikoon), materializes and subsequently disappears, Doug sets on an investigation with his co-worker, Carlos (Castillo), as the two men put their love of old detective novels to use.
Release Date: 15 April 2011Runtime: 96 min
- Barry Seltzer
- Ben Stambler
- Brendan McFadden
- Cris Lankenau
- Elliott Glick
- Jeb Pearson
- Jerry Moyer
- Joshua Locy
- Katy Rothert
- Orianna Herrman
- Paul Rothert
- Raúl Castillo
- Robyn Rikoon
- Trieste Kelly Dunn
- Virgil L. Howell
Director: Aaron Katz