Will (Josh Hopkins), a charming 35-year-old Philadelphia ad man, heads to Lebanon, Pa. to bury his recently deceased father. He forms an unexpected friendship with CJ (Rachel Kitson), his bright, newly pregnant 17-year-old cousin. As Will becomes interested in CJ’s married teacher (Samantha Mathis) and CJ confronts her conflicted father, both struggle with formidable decisions about the path their lives will take. Can we vault our differences and meet in the middle? This bittersweet comic drama tenderly explores the cultural divide in America through the lives of one extended family.
Release Date: 1 March 2010Runtime: 100 min
- Alice Schaerer
- Cecelia Ann Birt
- Christopher Mann
- Hunter Gallagher
- Ian Merrill Peakes
- Josh Hopkins
- Josh Hunt
- Julia Yorks
- Mary Beth Hurt
- Maureen Torsney-Weir
- McKenna Kerrigan
- Natasha Sattler
- Rachel Kitson
- Samantha Mathis
- Tara Copeland
Director: Ben Hickernell