“Washington Heights” tells the story of Carlos Ramirez, a young illustrator burning to escape the Latino neighborhood of the same name to make a splash in New York City’s commercial downtown comic book scene. When his father, who owns a bodega in the Heights, is shot in a burglary attempt, Carlos is forced to put his dream on hold and run the store. In the process, he comes to understand that if he is to make it as a comic artist, he must engage with the community he comes from, take that experience back out into the world, and put it in his work.
Release Date: 9 May 2002Runtime: 80 min
- Andrea Navedo
- Bobby Cannavale
- Callie Thorne
- Danny Hoch
- David Zayas
- Denia Brache
- Fernando Baez
- Jaime Tirelli
- Jude Ciccolella
- Judy Reyes
- Manny Perez
- Michael Hyatt
- Roberto Sanchez
- Sara Ramirez
- Tomas Milian
Director: Alfredo Rodriguez de Villa