
Soledad is an artist who has with drawn from society by moving into the desert. She lives a life alone seemingly immersed in noticing and painting the beauty that shes sees. Somewhere before the start of the movie she met Hillary. Hillary (unknown to Soledad) is a damaged woman. In the opening scenes the two of them are about to embark on a journey. To Soledad’s thinking the journey is a simple car ride to Flagstaff where Hillary has arranged a gallery review for Soledad. When Soledad’s car fails to start, Hilary suggests they hitch-hike. They do Hilary has a brother named Louise. Louis has a car that they can borrow. When the two ladies arrive in Phoenix, their journey like the plot itself begins to thicken. We, along with Soledad are then introduced to Louis. Louis’ apartment is as messy as the clothes he wears. He has stores to tell. You will be compelled to watch as the rabbit hole Solidad finds her self within can only exit in a family’s backyard. This is SOLITUDE.

Release Date: 11 November 2002

Runtime: 99 min


Director: Pi Ware


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