Set in a small town in North Carolina, George Washington is the story of a tight-knit multi-racial group of working-class kids caught in a tragic lie. After a twelve-year-old girl breaks up with her boyfriend for a sensitive, deeply introspective thirteen-year-old boy named George, a bizarre series of events and an innocent cover-up launches their insular group on individual quests for redemption.
Release Date: 28 September 2001Runtime: 90 min
- Beau Nix
- Candace Evanofski
- Curtis Cotton III
- Damian Jewan Lee
- Derricka Rolle
- Donald Holden
- Ebony Jones
- Eddie Rouse
- Janet Taylor
- Jason Shirley
- Jonathan Davidson
- Paul Schneider
- Rachael Handy
- Scott Clackum
- William Tipton
Director: David Gordon Green