Set during Japan’s Shogun era, this film looks at life in a samurai compound where young warriors are trained in swordfighting. A number of interpersonal conflicts are brewing in the training room, all centering around a handsome young samurai named Sozaburo Kano. The school’s stern master can choose to intervene, or to let Kano decide his own path.
Release Date: 18 December 1999Runtime: 100 min
- Chikako Aoyama
- Daisuke Iijima
- Jirô Sakagami
- Kôji Matoba
- Masa Tommies
- Masatô Ibu
- Ryûhei Matsuda
- Shinji Takeda
- Tadanobu Asano
- Takeshi Kitano
- Tomorowo Taguchi
- Yôichi Iijima
- Yôichi Sai
- Yoshiaki Fujiwara
- Zakoba Katsura
Director: Nagisa Ôshima