Canadian/Swiss/French production that tells the tale of Hannah, a tomboyish 13 year-old hitting puberty in 1963. An unhappy and uncomfortable family life leads Hannah to seek escapism in the world of cinema. Specifically, she repeatedly watches and appears enthralled by Nana (Anna Karina), the character from Jean-Luc Godard’s “Vivre sa vie” (1962) about a Parisian woman’s descent into prostitution. Her confusion surrounding what is real leads to a crush for her female teacher and her actively pursuing what it’s like to be a prostitute for an evening.
Release Date: 28 July 1999Runtime:
- Alexandre Mérineau
- Carl Hennebert-Faulkner
- Charlotte Christeler
- Gary Boudreault
- Jacques Galipeau
- Karine Vanasse
- Marie-Hélène Gagnon
- Michel Albert
- Monique Mercure
- Nancy Huston
- Neil Kroetsch
- Normand Canac-Marquis
- Pascale Bussières
- Predrag Manojlovic
- Suzanne Garceau
Director: Léa Pool