Limbo tells the story of people trying to reinvent themselves in the Southeastern islands of Alaska. The story revolves around Joe Gastineau, a fisherman traumatised by an accident at sea years before, singer Donna de Angelo and her disaffected daughter Noelle who come into Joe’s life. When Joe’s fast-talking half-brother Bobby returns to town and asks Joe for a favor, the lives of the characters are changed forever.
Release Date: 7 July 1999Runtime: 126 min
- Casey Siemaszko
- David Strathairn
- Dawn McInturff
- Hermínio Ramos
- Jimmy MacDonell
- Kathryn Grody
- Kris Kristofferson
- Leo Burmester
- Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
- Mérit Carlson-van Dort
- Michael Laskin
- Monica Brandner
- Rita Taggart
- Tom Biss
- Vanessa Martinez
Director: John Sayles