When a series of brutal killings of young male hustlers awakens the police to the threat of a serial killer, rookie detective Raymond Fates (Noel Palomaria) and his seasoned partner detective Tom Ellis (Charles Lanyer) battle an intolerant police department that is indifferent to these “misdemeanor killings.
Release Date: 11 August 2000Runtime: 102 min
- Alex Depedro
- Bob Hollander
- Brandi Garay
- Charles Lanyer
- Chas Gray
- Cynthia Downey
- K.D. Jones
- Ken Narasaki
- M. Tiffany Reed
- Malcolm Moorman
- Michael Waite
- Noel Palomaria
- Paula Kay Perry
- Steve Andrews
- Steve Gonzales
Director: John Huckert