Neighborhood boy Todd Bowden (Renfro) discovers that an old man living on his block named Arthur Denker (Mackellan) is Nazi war criminal. Bowden confronts Denker and offers him a deal: Bowden will not go to the authorities if Denker tells him stories of the concentration camps in WWII. Denker agrees and Bowden starts visiting him regularly. The more stories Bowden hears, the more it affects his personality.
Release Date: 23 October 1998Runtime: 111 min
- Ann Dowd
- Blake Anthony Tibbetts
- Brad Renfro
- Bruce Davison
- David Cooley
- David Schwimmer
- Grace Sinden
- Heather McComb
- Ian McKellen
- James Karen
- Joshua Jackson
- Katherine Malone
- Marjorie Lovett
- Michael Reid MacKay
- Mickey Cottrell
Director: Bryan Singer