Two years after the events of Scream, Sidney Prescott and Randy are attending Windsor college. They are trying to get on with their lives…Until a new Ghostface killing spree begins. With the help of Dewey and Gale, Sidney must find out who’s behind the murders. As the body count goes up, the list of suspects goes down.
Release Date: 12 December 1997Runtime: 120 min
- Dave Allen Clark
- Elise Neal
- Heather Graham
- Jada Pinkett Smith
- Kevin Williamson
- Liev Schreiber
- Molly Gross
- Neve Campbell
- Omar Epps
- Paulette Patterson
- Peter Deming
- Rasila Schroeder
- Rebecca McFarland
- Roger Jackson
- Sandy Heddings
Director: Wes Craven