A student strike at a Danish boys school is the backdrop of YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The leisurely paced tale explores the relationship between 15-year-old Bo and Kim, the younger son of the stern boarding school headmaster. Mounting school tensions over the expulsion of a troubled student threaten to sabotage the tranquility of the school.
Release Date: 23 February 1978Runtime: 90 min
- Anders Agensø
- Aske Jacoby
- Beatrice Palner
- Elin Reimer
- Hugo Herrestrup
- Jan Jørgensen
- Janek Lesniak
- John Hahn-Petersen
- Jørn Faurschou
- Martin Højmark
- Merete Axelberg
- Ole Meyer
- Ove Sprogøe
- Peter Bjerg
- Peter Vittrup
Director: Lasse Nielsen