Disturbing, dark, low-budget independent film about teen-agers in New York City. The story focuses on Telly (Leo Fitzpatrick), a teen who has a goal to de-flower as many virgins as he can. When one of his old encounters discovers that she is H.I.V.-positive, after only one encounter with a guy, Telly remains undaunted.
Release Date: 1 September 1995Runtime: 91 min
- Adriane Brown
- Alex Glen
- Billy Valdes
- Billy Waldeman
- Chloë Sevigny
- Christian Bruna
- Javier Nunez
- Johnathan Staci Kim
- Joseph Chan
- Justin Pierce
- Leo Fitzpatrick
- Luis Núñez
- Rosario Dawson
- Sajan Bhagat
- Sarah Henderson
Director: Larry Clark