The final movie in Oliver Stone’s Vietnam trilogy follows the true story of a Vietnamese village girl who survives a life of suffering and hardship during and after the Vietnam war. As a freedom fighter, a hustler, young mother, a sometime prostitute, and the wife of a US. marine, the girl’s relationships with men suggests an analogy of Vietnam as Woman and the U.S. as Man.
Release Date: 7 January 1994Runtime: 140 min
- Bussaro Sanruck
- Dustin Nguyen
- Haing S. Ngor
- Hiep Thi Le
- Joan Chen
- Khiem Thai
- Lan Nguyen Calderon
- Liem Whatley
- Mai Le Ho
- Michelle Vynh Le
- Supak Pititam
- Thuan K. Nguyen
- Thuan Le
- Tuan Tran
- Vinh Dang
Director: Oliver Stone