This movie tells the story of the latter years of Earl Long, a flamboyant governor of Louisiana. The aging Earl, an unapologetic habitue of strip joints, falls in love with young stripper Blaze Starr. When Earl and Blaze move in together, Earl’s opponents use this to attack his controversial political program, which included civil rights for blacks in the 1950’s. Can Earl keep Blaze and retain control of the state?
Release Date: 13 December 1989Runtime: 120 min
- Brandon Smith
- Dianne Brill
- Eloy Casados
- Gailard Sartain
- Garland Bunting
- James Harper
- Jay Chevalier
- Jeffrey DeMunn
- Jerry Hardin
- Lolita Davidovich
- Michael Brockman
- Paul Newman
- Richard Jenkins
- Robert Wuhl
- Teresa Gilmore
Director: Ron Shelton