This film is the story of the spectacular life and violent death of British playwright Joe Orton. In his teens, Orton is befriended by the older, more reserved Kenneth Halliwell, and while the two begin a relationship, it’s fairly obvious that it’s not all about sex. Orton loves the dangers of bath-houses and liaisons in public restrooms; Halliwell, not as charming or attractive as Orton, doesn’t fare so well in those environs. While both long to become writers, it is Orton who achieves fame – his plays “Entertaining Mr. Sloane” and “Loot” become huge hits in London of the sixties, and he’s even commissioned to write a screenplay for the Beatles. But Orton’s success takes him farther from Halliwell, whose response ended both his life and the life of the up-and-coming playwright.
Release Date: 8 May 1987Runtime: 105 min
- Alfred Molina
- Angus MacKay
- Dave Atkins
- Eric Richard
- Frances Barber
- Gary Oldman
- James Grant
- Janet Dale
- Julie Walters
- Lindsay Duncan
- Margaret Tyzack
- Rosalind Knight
- Vanessa Redgrave
- Wallace Shawn
- William Job
Director: Stephen Frears