A day in the life of several prostitutes in an upscale Manhattan whore house. The film is a stark portrayal of the women prostitutes, the male customers and the motivations of both. Watch as the madam manipulates her “girls”. Watch as she answers the phone by saying “Hello John, what’s new and different?” Watch as the “johns” try to manipulate the “girls”. Part nudie exploitation, part sociological thesis.
Release Date: 1 March 1987Runtime: 93 min
- Amanda Goodwin
- Boomer Tibbs
- Deborah Banks
- Eli Hasson
- Ellen McElduff
- Fred Neumann
- Grant Wheaton
- Liz Caldwell
- Louise Smith
- Marusia Zach
- Patience Pierce
- Paul Slimak
- Richard M. Davidson
- Ronald Willoughby
- Tony Whiting
Director: Lizzie Borden