After a couple of weeks seeking out his teenage daughter Maggie, Wade finds her in the quarantine wing of a hospital. Maggie has been infected by a lethal outbreak that transforms the victim into a zombie. Wade’s friend Dr. Vern Kaplan releases Maggie to spend her last days with Wade and her family. Her stepmother Caroline asks Wade to take their little kids to her sister’s house to keep them safe. While Maggie is slowly transformed, Wade stays with her protecting Maggie. But Dr. Vern warns him that the moment that he will have to take an ultimate decision is closer.
Release Date: 8 May 2015Runtime: 95 min
- Abigail Breslin
- Aiden Flowers
- Amy Brassette
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Bryce Romero
- Carsen Flowers
- Dana Gourrier
- David A Cole
- Douglas M. Griffin
- J.D. Evermore
- Jodie Moore
- Joely Richardson
- Rachel Whitman Groves
- Raeden Greer
- Walter Von Huene
Director: Henry Hobson