The story follows a young rickshaw-puller in Bhopal who gets a menial job at a chemical plant, but in December of 1984 a chemical spill in India takes the lives of almost 15,000 people and injuring more than 100,000. The film follows how the industrial disaster in the city changes his life and those of others.
Release Date: 7 November 2014Runtime: 96 min
- Akhil Mishra
- Fagun Thakrar
- Joy Sengupta
- Kal Penn
- Kinjal Jain
- Lisa Dwan
- Manoj Joshi
- Martin Brambach
- Martin Sheen
- Mischa Barton
- Rajpal Yadav
- Satish Kaushik
- Tannishtha Chatterjee
- Venk Modur
- Vinit Kumar
Director: Ravi Kumar