This comedy drama features two couples living in the same building, Lucas & Julia the catholics, Aaron & Nora the jewish and Lola the world traveler spanish. The story takes place at the arrival of a new renter the ex soccer player Felix; as soon as he’s installed the neighbors gather for a dinner just to find out the problems between them; After this Lola reveals her couple problems, Julia and Aaron find themselves in love and Lucas tries to get Felix attention. The shocking sound of two gun shots sets all the neighbors in a suspicious crime scene.
Release Date: 23 August 2013Runtime: 103 min
- Anabel Ferreira
- Erick Elias
- Federica García González
- Jorge Mondragón
- Juan Pablo Medina
- Livia Brito
- Ludwika Paleta
- Luis Ernesto Franco
- Luis Gerardo Méndez
- Omar Ceballos
- Pamela Reiter
- Raúl Méndez
- Ricardo Korkowski
- Rossy de Palma
- Zuria Vega
Director: Manolo Caro