This heartwarming movie tells the story of a local war hero whose son goes off to war. His new wife brings Christian, his first son, in to the world while the young hero is away at war earning medals for valor. However, the tragedy that ensues on a cruel battlefield will change everyone’s life forever as Tom Revere is laid to rest giving his ultimate sacrifice for freedom. Fourteen years pass and the young baby grows to be a teenager (Christian Revere) who, with his mother (Carrie Revere), comes back to the small town of Mount Columbus nestled in the Rocky Mountains during the holiday season to be with his family. Christian disconnects with his grandfather (Bob Revere) as they both are going through the pain of losing a Dad and the loss of a son by Bob. In this beautiful story of love and forgiveness, they discover a way to unite and to make a difference in their community by claiming their freedom of expression. The grandfather is the pharmacist and mayor of the town who realizes …
Release Date: 14 September 2012Runtime:
- Austin Marks
- Charles Graham
- Darrel Campbell
- Dean Vivian
- Fred Williamson
- Hunter Gomez
- Jenna Boyd
- Jennifer O'Neill
- Joe Brinnon
- Lindsey Brinnon
- Marshall R. Teague
- Nikki Novak
- Rusty Joiner
- Steve Marks
- Walter Coppage
Director: Kevin McAfee