Henry is a precocious young boy, conceived in a petri-dish, raised by his single mother, Patricia, and is smarter than all of his peers. However, the one question he can’t answer is, who is his father? Henry’s attempts at locating his father lead him to Dr. Slavkin O’Hara, a university professor who has decided to raise his daughter, Audrey, as a psychology experiment in a world free of gender bias. Patricia starts fearing that she’s losing her son, Audrey wishes she didn’t have a father, Dr. O’Hara has no idea how to keep his daughter happy, and Henry may just have found the family he was looking for.
Release Date: 20 April 2012Runtime:
- Cameron Kennedy
- Frank Moore
- Hannah Brigden
- Jack Jessop
- Jack Newman
- Jamie Johnston
- Jason Spevack
- Kevin Hare
- Lucca Tilbenny-Agate
- Mark MacDonald
- Michael Sheen
- Mickey MacDonald
- Peggi Tilbenny
- Sarah Orenstein
- Toni Collette
Director: Dennis Lee