Marie Krøyer

At the beginning of the 20th century, Marie is married to Denmark’s world famous painter P.S. Krøyer. They are among the country’s most admired and famous couples. All the great men of the time – politicians, businessmen, noblemen, scientists, writers and royalty – wish to be depicted by Krøyer, and he can ask any price he wants. To be painted by him is a great honour and comes with great prestige. Marie, who adorns several of Krøyer’s paintings, is considered to be “the most beautiful woman in Europe”. Together with their daughter Vibeke they experience all the best life has to offer: parties, champagne and luxury. However, this is only the polished surface. Beneath it is living hell. Krøyer suffers from manic depression and syphilis. He can change from being cheerful and upbeat, to a foaming crazy monster without any boundaries, also within his relationship to Marie and Vibeke. Marie has struggled to keep up appearances for a long time, but the situation is wearing her down. She is …

Release Date: 27 September 2012

Runtime: 102 min


Director: Bille August

Marie Krøyer

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