In this latest installment to the horror franchise, Sam and his friends manages to escape a ill-fated bridge, thanks to a premonition Sam obtained. However, when 2 of his friends died in a mysterious way, Sam must use his memories from the premonition to save his friends, before death hunts him down.
Release Date: 12 August 2011Runtime: 92 min
- Arlen Escarpeta
- Barclay Hope
- Brent Stait
- Chasty Ballesteros
- Courtney B. Vance
- David Koechner
- Ellen Wroe
- Emma Bell
- Jacqueline MacInnes Wood
- Jasmin Dring
- Miles Fisher
- Nicholas D'Agosto
- P.J. Byrne
- Roman Podhora
- Tony Todd
Director: Steven Quale