A romantic tale of two New Yorkers, Armando Ortiz, from the Bronx, and Mia Franklin, from the Upper East Side, and their unlikely meeting. The story tells how the two of them come together through their love of ballroom dancing. Mia is a beautiful and vivacious professional dancer. Armando works at the midtown Manhattan dance studio in exchange for lessons and fantasizes of a time when he will dance with Mia. But a tragic accident forever changes Mia’s life. True to his heart, Armando dedicates himself, along with a group of colorful misfits, to help Mia overcome her painful challenges and dance once more.
Release Date: 24 September 2011Runtime:
- Angelic Zambrana
- Auti Angel
- Dominic Colón
- E.J. Bonilla
- Jaime Tirelli
- Jerome Preston Bates
- Joey Dedio
- Joseph Basile
- Laverne Cox
- Leah Pipes
- Morgan Spector
- Nelson Landrieu
- Philip Willingham
- Priscilla Lopez
- Tommy Bayiokos
Director: Susan Seidelman