Based on ‘Jane Rogers’ acclaimed novel, “Island” is a tale of yearning and retribution. Abandoned at birth, Nikki Black has spent most of her life in care sustained only by fairy-stories. Incapable of love, fearful and desperate for revenge, she decides to find her birth mother, confront her, and bitter enough to consider murder. She travels incognito to a remote Hebridean island where Phyllis now lives as a recluse with Calum, her son.
Release Date: 22 April 2011Runtime: 102 min
- Alex Donald
- Charlotte Wontner
- Colin Morgan
- Denise Orita
- Duncan Duff
- Harry Dave McLaren
- Janet McTeer
- Kat Osi-Mensah
- Kate Stevens
- Lauren Fagg
- Natalie Press
- Nikki Tangen
- Ryan Hendrick
- Tanya Franks
- Will Paice
Director: Brek Taylor