The story of a go-go dancer with multiple personalities struggling to remain her true self while fighting against two very unique alter egos: a seven-year-old child named Genius and a Southern white racist woman named Alice. In order to stop the multiple voices in her head, Frankie works together with a psychotherapist to uncover and overcome the mystery of the inner ghosts that haunt her.
Release Date: 12 August 2014Runtime:
- Adrian Holmes
- Alex Diakun
- Brian Markinson
- Chandra Wilson
- Halle Berry
- James Kirk
- Joanne Baron
- Joey Bothwell
- Kira Clavell
- Matt Frewer
- Melanie Papalia
- Phylicia Rashad
- Rosalyn Coleman
- Sean Tyson
- Stellan Skarsgård
Director: Geoffrey Sax