Small-town detective Noah Cordin is called to solve a juvenile homicide that occurred during a home burglary in his affluent town of Hilliard. The dead boy’s mother, Allison Connor, is a member of the Meskada County Board of Commissioners, and a powerful woman in Hilliard. The entire township of Caswell rallies together in solidarity – not to support her and Detective Cordin’s efforts to find the killers (who appear to have come from Caswell) but to keep the way clear for a new business with 500 jobs coming to town.
Release Date: 3 December 2010Runtime: 98 min
- Charlie Tahan
- Grace Gummer
- J.D. Rosen
- James McCaffrey
- Jonathan Tucker
- Kellan Lutz
- Kerry Bishé
- Laura Benanti
- Max Antisell
- Michael Cerveris
- Michael Sirow
- Nick Stahl
- Norman Reedus
- Rachel Nichols
- Rebecca Henderson
Director: Josh Sternfeld