Veer Kapoor lives in a palatial bungalow in Goa along with his girlfriend, Vidya, and a maid, Mary. Every month he gets an allowance of Rs. 1 Lakh from his NRI brother, Dharam, which he uses to fund his band, as well as the dilapidated Gym of his friends, Prem and Jhanvi Chopra. Veer’s life undergoes many hilarious changes after he decides to borrow money from a gangster called Tobu in order to bet on his friend, Prem, taking part in a car race. After Tobu applies pressure, Veer desperately rents the bungalow to a Zee Super Lottery Winner, Raghuvandas Goverdhandas Vakawale – but even more chaos and complications arise with the unexpected arrival of Dharam.
Release Date: 16 October 2009Runtime:
- Ajay Devgn
- Ashish R. Mohan
- Ashwini Khalsekar
- Asrani
- Atul Parchure
- Bipasha Basu
- Fardeen Khan
- Johnny Lever
- Mugdha Godse
- Mukesh Tiwari
- Sanjay Dutt
- Sanjay Mishra
- Shraddha Musale
- Subhash Pradhan
- Vijay Patkar
Director: Rohit Shetty