Aaron (Zohar Shtrauss), a respected butcher and a family man in an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem, leads a conservative life of community devotion and spiritual dedication. Aaron’s life undergoes a series of emotional changes following the arrival of a young apprentice (Ran Danker) to his shop. Consumed with lust, the handsome “Yeshiva” student irreversibly transforms the intricate beliefs in the once-devoted butcher’s life – leading Aaron to question his relationships with his wife Rivka (Tinkerbell), children, community, and God.
Release Date: 2 September 2009Runtime: 91 min
- Avi Grainik
- Bar Kalfin
- Eva Zrihen-Attali
- Haim Zanati
- Iftach Ophir
- Isaac Sharry
- Lidor Daudi
- Mati Atlas
- Ran Danker
- Royi Zolicha
- Safrira Zachai
- Tal Barak
- Tinkerbell
- Tzahi Grad
- Zohar Shtrauss
Director: Haim Tabakman