Young Bruno lives a wealthy lifestyle in prewar Germany along with his mother, elder sister, and SS Commandant father. The family relocates to the countryside where his father is assigned to take command a prison camp. A few days later, Bruno befriends another youth, strangely dressed in striped pajamas, named Shmuel who lives behind an electrified fence. Bruno will soon find out that he is not permitted to befriend his new friend as he is a Jew, and that the neighboring yard is actually a prison camp for Jews awaiting extermination.
Release Date: 26 November 2008Runtime: 94 min
- Amber Beattie
- Asa Butterfield
- Béla Fesztbaum
- Cara Horgan
- Charlie Baker
- David Thewlis
- Domonkos Németh
- Henry Kingsmill
- Iván Verebély
- László Áron
- Richard Johnson
- Sheila Hancock
- Vera Farmiga
- Zac Mattoon O'Brien
- Zsuzsa Holl
Director: Mark Herman