The true life story of Ralph Waldo “Petey” Greene Jr. In the mid-to-late 1960s, in Washington, D.C., vibrant soul music and exploding social consciousness were combining to unique and powerful effect. It was the place and time for Petey to fully express himself – sometimes to outrageous effect – and “tell it like it is.” With the support of his irrepressible and tempestuous girlfriend Vernell, the newly minted ex-con talks his way into an on-air radio gig. He forges a friendship and a partnership with fellow prison inmate Milo’s brother Dewey Hughes. From the first wild morning on the air, Petey relies on the more straight-laced Dewey to run interference at WOL-AM, where Dewey is the program director. At the station, Petey becomes an iconic radio personality, surpassing even the established popularity of his fellow disc jockeys, Nighthawk and Sunny Jim. Combining biting humor with social commentary, Petey openly courts controversy for station owner E.G. Sonderling. Petey was …
Release Date: 3 August 2007Runtime: 118 min
- Adam Gaudreau
- Bruce McFee
- Cedric the Entertainer
- Chiwetel Ejiofor
- Don Cheadle
- J. Miles Dale
- Martin Randez
- Martin Sheen
- Mike Epps
- Peter MacNeill
- Richard Chevolleau
- Sean MacMahon
- Taraji P. Henson
- Todd Schroeder
- Vondie Curtis-Hall
Director: Kasi Lemmons