Alejandro, a resourceful street orphan on the verge of adolescence, lives and works in an auto-body repair shop in a sprawling junkyard on the outskirts of Queens, New York. In this chaotic world of adults, Alejandro struggles to make a better life for himself and his sixteen-year-old sister.
Release Date: 27 February 2008Runtime: 84 min
- Ahmad Razvi
- Alejandro Polanco
- Anthony Felton
- Bedford T. Bentley
- Billy Klatzis
- Carlos Ayala
- Carlos Zapata
- Edwin Rojas
- Evelisse 'Lilah' Ortiz
- Isamar Gonzales
- Laura Patalano
- Michael 'Gringo' Nieto
- Nick Jasprizza
- Rob Sowulski
- Roy Francisco Green
Director: Ramin Bahrani