Based on the beloved children’s novel by E.B. White, a young girl named Fern rescues a runty piglet, raises it as her own and names him Wilbur. However, after Wilbur grows into a pig, she is compelled to sell him to her Uncle Homer Zuckerman down the street. At Zuckerman’s barn, Wilbur meets a host of animals and later learns from them that come winter, he will be slaughtered for food. Fearing for his life, Charlotte, a gentle and wise spider whom befriended the lonely Wilbur, vows to save his life.
Release Date: 15 December 2006Runtime: 97 min
- Abraham Benrubi
- André Benjamin
- Cedric the Entertainer
- Dakota Fanning
- Dominic Scott Kay
- John Cleese
- Julia Roberts
- Kathy Bates
- Kevin Anderson
- Oprah Winfrey
- Reba McEntire
- Robert Redford
- Sam Shepard
- Steve Buscemi
- Thomas Haden Church
Director: Gary Winick