Former superhero Jack Shepard, (also known as Captain Zoom), is called back to work to transform an unlikely group of ragtag kids into a new generation of superheroes at a privacy Academy and save the world from certain destruction. The project holds an audition of would-be members, most of whom possess useless or disgusting powers. In the end, Dylan, a 17-year-old boy who can turn invisible Summer, a 16-year-old girl with telekinetic powers Tucker, a 12-year-old boy with the power to enlarge any part of his body Cindy, a 6-year-old girl with super strength.
Release Date: 11 August 2006Runtime:
- Ashton Moio
- Chevy Chase
- Cornelia Guest
- Courteney Cox
- Danny McCarthy
- Hunter Aarniokoski
- Kate Mara
- Kevin Zegers
- Michael Cassidy
- Ridge Canipe
- Rip Torn
- Ryan Newman
- Spencer Breslin
- Thomas F. Wilson
- Tim Allen
Director: Peter Hewitt