In this blend of the B movie classic The Blob (1958), and some Romero’s zombies film, a meteorite collides in a small town. Grant finds it, and is infected by a parasite worm, which installs in his brain and causes him a creepy transformation into a monster. Starla, his wife, and Bill, a policeman, will try to stop him and the plague of worms generated by the creature.
Release Date: 31 March 2006Runtime: 95 min
- Bart Anderson
- Brenda James
- Don Thompson
- Dustin Milligan
- Elizabeth Banks
- Gregg Henry
- Haig Sutherland
- Jennifer Copping
- Kathryn Kirkpatrick
- Lorena Gale
- Michael Rooker
- Nathan Fillion
- Tania Saulnier
- Xantha Radley
- Zak Ludwig
Director: James Gunn