Southland Tales is an ensemble piece set in the futuristic landscape of Los Angeles on July 4, 2008, as it stands on the brink of social, economic and environmental disaster. Boxer Santaros is an action star who’s stricken with amnesia. His life intertwines with Krysta Now, an adult film star developing her own reality television project, and Ronald Taverner, a Hermosa Beach police officer who holds the key to a vast conspiracy.
Release Date: 7 December 2007Runtime: 160 min
- Aaron Dillar
- Carlos Amezcua
- Chris Andrew Ciulla
- Curtis Armstrong
- Janeane Garofalo
- Jaret Gardiner
- Joe Campana
- Jon Falcone
- Leila Feinstein
- Michele Durrett
- Nora Dunn
- Rebekah Del Rio
- Robert Benz
- Shari Dunn
- Todd Berger
Director: Richard Kelly