Ten years after the adventures of Stanley Ipkiss in Edge City, the legendary Mask of Loki finds its way into the hands of an aspiring cartoonist, Tim Avery whose new baby son named Alvery is born with the Mask’s spectacular powers. But the really big trouble begins when Loki himself the god of mischief, comes looking for his mask, under command by his father Odin. And he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get it back.
Release Date: 18 February 2005Runtime: 94 min
- Alan Cumming
- Ashley Lyons
- Ben Stein
- Brett Pickup
- Issac Longmuir
- Jamie Kennedy
- Kal Penn
- Liam Falconer
- Peter Callan
- Rebecca Massey
- Ryan Falconer
- Sandy Winton
- Steven Wright
- Traylor Howard
- Wayne McDaniel
Director: Lawrence Guterman