Thirteen-year-old Ernest Chin lives and works at a sleazy hourly-rate motel on a strip of desolate suburban bi-way. Misunderstood by his family and blindly careening into puberty, Ernest befriends Sam Kim, a self-destructive yet charismatic Korean man who has checked in. Sam teaches the fatherless boy all the rites of manhood.
Release Date: 24 January 2005Runtime: 75 min
- Alexis Chang
- Clint Jordan
- Conor J. White
- Eleanor Hutchins
- Glen Brackenridge
- Ian Boyd
- Jackie Nova
- Jackson Budinger
- Jade Wu
- Jake Holbrook
- Jeffrey Chyau
- Ron Domingo
- Samantha Futerman
- Stephen Chen
- Sung Kang
Director: Michael Kang