In this high-adventure sequel the baby geniuses find themselves at the center of a nefarious scheme led by powerful media mogul Bill Biscane. Joining the babies in their battle against evil is a legendary baby named Kahuna. Part ultra-cool spy, part superhero, Kahuna joins babies Archie, Finkleman, Alex and Rosita in a race against time to stop the villainous Biscane from using his state-of-the-art satellite system to control the minds of the world’s population.
Release Date: 27 August 2004Runtime: 88 min
- Gerry Fitzgerald
- Jared Scheideman
- Jon Voight
- Jordan Scheideman
- Justin Chatwin
- Keana Bastidas
- Leo Fitzgerald
- Maia Bastidas
- Max Iles
- Michael Iles
- Myles Fitzgerald
- Peter Wingfield
- Scott Baio
- Skyler Shaye
- Vanessa Angel
Director: Bob Clark