Set in Canton, China in the 1940s, the story revolves in a town ruled by the Axe Gang, Sing who desperately wants to become a member. He stumbles into a slum ruled by eccentric landlords who turns out to be the greatest kung-fu masters in disguise. Sing’s actions eventually cause the Axe Gang and the slumlords to engage in an explosive kung-fu battle. Only one side will win and only one hero will emerge as the greatest kung-fu master of all.
Release Date: 22 April 2005Runtime: 99 min
- Cheung-Yan Yuen
- Chi Chung Lam
- Chi Ling Chiu
- Hark-On Fung
- Kai Man Tin
- Kang Xi Jia
- Kwok-Kwan Chan
- Qiu Yuen
- Shengyi Huang
- Siu-Lung Leung
- Stephen Chow
- Suet Lam
- Wah Yuen
- Xiaogang Feng
- Zhi Hua Dong
Director: Stephen Chow