Renowned adventurer Allan Quatermain leads a team of extraordinary figures with legendary powers to battle the technological terror of a madman known as “The Fantom.” This “League” comprises seafarer/inventor Captain Nemo, vampiress Mina Harker, an invisible man named Rodney Skinner, American secret service agent Tom Sawyer, the ageless and invincible Dorian Gray, and the dangerous split personality of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde.
Release Date: 11 July 2003Runtime: 110 min
- David Hemmings
- Jason Flemyng
- Max Ryan
- Naseeruddin Shah
- Peta Wilson
- Richard Roxburgh
- Robert Orr
- Robert Willox
- Rudolf Pellar
- Sean Connery
- Shane West
- Stuart Townsend
- Terry O'Neill
- Tom Goodman-Hill
- Tony Curran
Director: Stephen Norrington