Eddie, an indomitable Hong Kong cop, is transformed into an immortal warrior with superhuman powers after a fatal accident involving a mysterious medallion. Eddie enlists the help of British Interpol agent Nicole to determine the secret of the medallion and face down the evil Snakehead who wants to use its magical powers for his own nefarious plans.
Release Date: 22 August 2003Runtime: 108 min
- Alex Bao
- Anthony Carpio
- Anthony Chau-Sang Wong
- Christy Chung
- Claire Forlani
- Diana C. Weng
- Jackie Chan
- Johann Myers
- John Rhys-Davies
- Julian Sands
- Lee Evans
- Pok Fu Chow
- Siu-Ming Lau
- Tat-Kwong Chan
- Wai Cheung Mak
Director: Gordon Chan