The hilarious drama/comedy is the tale of a Celebrity Assistant to a world-famous, scandal-prone Hollywood Film Director based on Azita Zendel’s four years as Oliver Stone’s Assistant and has been called: “THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA as an OFFICE Sitcom!” by The Village Voice and “THE NANNY DIARIES, SWIMMING WITH SHARKS, DEVIL WEARS PRADA Art Piece on Bosses From Hell!” by Frontiers Newsmagazine.
Release Date: 10 October 2007Runtime:
- Amy Blomquist
- Charley King
- David Moradzadeh
- Don Hughes
- Erik Engstrom
- Ginny Kunz
- Joel Bond
- Kurt Hall
- Lori Enterline
- Markus Nash
- Matthew Vinci
- Ron De Shay
- Tara John
- Tim Nistler
- Ty Auston Rainey
Director: Azita Zendel