A young American couple, played by Florence Pugh and Jack Reynor, fly to a rural town in Sweden for a once-in-a-lifetime midsummer festival after experiencing a death in the family. Not long after the couple’s arrival, their trip unfolds into a hallucinatory nightmare when the visitors are invited to drink some sort of concoction that seemingly screws with their perception of time, and are targeted by the sinister leaders of a pagan cult.
Release Date: 3 July 2019 (USA)Runtime: 140 min
- Anna Åström
- Archie Madekwe
- Björn Andrésen
- Ellora Torchia
- Florence Pugh
- Gunnel Fred
- Henrik Norlén
- Isabelle Grill
- Jack Reynor
- Julia Ragnarsson
- Liv Mjönes
- Louise Peterhoff
- Vilhelm Blomgren
- Will Poulter
- William Jackson Harper
Director: Ari Aster