Sam (Andrew Garfield) is a disenchanted 33-year-old who discovers a mysterious woman, Sarah (Riley Keough), frolicking in his apartment’s swimming pool. When she vanishes, Sam embarks on a surreal quest across Los Angeles to decode the secret behind her disappearance, leading him into the murkiest depths of mystery, scandal and conspiracy in the City of Angels.
Release Date: 19 April 2019 (USA)Runtime: 139 min
- Andrew Garfield
- Callie Hernandez
- Chris Gann
- Deborah Geffner
- Izzie Coffey
- Jeannine Cota
- Jessica Makinson
- Kayla DiVenere
- Reese Hartwig
- Riki Lindhome
- Riley Keough
- Sky Elobar
- Stephanie Moore
- Tucker Meek
- Wendy Vanden Heuvel
Director: David Robert Mitchell