Violet is a shy teenager who dreams of escaping her small town and pursuing her passion to sing. With the help of an unlikely mentor, she enters a local singing competition that will test her integrity, talent and ambition. Driven by a pop-fueled soundtrack, Teen Spirit is a visceral and stylish spin on the Cinderella story.
Release Date: 12 April 2019 (USA)Runtime: 92 min
- Agnieszka Grochowska
- Andrew Ellis
- Archie Madekwe
- Charlie Mayhew
- Elizabeth Berrington
- Elle Fanning
- George Jovanovic
- John Locke
- Marius De Vries
- Millie Brady
- Noof McEwan
- Olive Gray
- Ria Zmitrowicz
- Vivian Oparah
- Zlatko Buric
Director: Max Minghella