In her much-anticipated foray into the horror-thriller genre, Golden Globe and Emmy nominee Taylor Schilling stars in THE PRODIGY as Sarah, a mother whose young son Miles’ disturbing behavior signals that an evil, possibly supernatural force has overtaken him. Fearing for her family’s safety, Sarah must choose between her maternal instinct to love and protect Miles and a desperate need to investigate what or who is causing his dark turn. She is forced to look for answers in the past, taking the audience on a wild ride; one where the line between perception and reality becomes frighteningly blurry.
Release Date: 8 February 2019 (USA)Runtime: 92 min
- Ashley Black
- Ava Augustin
- Brittany Allen
- Byron Abalos
- Colm Feore
- David Kohlsmith
- Elisa Moolecherry
- Jackson Robert Scott
- Mark Sparks
- Martha Girvin
- Oluniké Adeliyi
- Paul Fauteux
- Paula Boudreau
- Peter Mooney
- Taylor Schilling
Director: Nicholas McCarthy